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    Position based sentence search for encrypted unstructured data in cloud environment.Published in: Proceedings of International Conference on Cloud Computing and E-Governance 2013

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    Risk Management System for ERP Software Projects (NUST Sponsored)Published in: IEEE Technically Co-Sponsored Science and Information Conference 2013, London

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    Factors Effecting Service Oriented Architecture Implementation (NUST Sponsored)Published in: IEEE Technically Co-Sponsored Science and Information Conference 2013, London

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    Advanced complex searches on encrypted unstructured data in cloud environment Accepted in: IEEE INNOTEK2014, 2014, Warwick USA

  1. No Journal paper in list.

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    Position Based Sentence Search For Encrypted Unstructured Data In Cloud Environment (Primary Author)Encrypted indexing of unstructured data, Efficient sentence search on encrypted indexes
    Implementation using MySQL and PHP

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    Indexing Of Unstructured Data For Searchable Encryption In Cloud Environment (Secondary Author)Encrypted indexing of unstructured data, Efficient rank based keywor search on encrypted indexes
    Implementation using MySQL and PHP